
Labour Pains - A Labour Law Podcast - Storymachine Creative

8 - Termination Series Pt. 3 - Misconduct with Lisa Szöke
Labour Pains - A Labour Law Podcast
8 - Termination Series Pt. 3 - Misconduct with Lisa Szöke

A topical and informative show helping businesses navigate the potentially tricky waters of employment and labour law.

With insights from industry professionals around relevant and topical news, to answering any questions you may have regarding your specific business, there will always be something that you as an HR professional or business owner can take away and implement.


Mais episódios

  • Labour Pains - A Labour Law Podcast
    8 - Termination Series Pt. 3 - Misconduct with Lisa Szöke
    Fri, 08 Sep 2023
  • Labour Pains - A Labour Law Podcast
    7 - Termination Series Pt. 2 - Incapacity with Britney Theron
    Thu, 03 Aug 2023
  • Labour Pains - A Labour Law Podcast
    6 - Bonus Episode - CapeTalk Interview - 'Leave for Chronic Meds'
    Mon, 24 Jul 2023
  • Labour Pains - A Labour Law Podcast
    5 - Termination Series Pt. 1 - Retrenchments with Britney Theron
    Mon, 10 Jul 2023
  • Labour Pains - A Labour Law Podcast
    4 - Restraint of Trade with Lisa Szöke
    Mon, 29 May 2023
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