
Data Privacy Detective by Joe Dehner

30 - Episode 185 — Data privacy and law firms: How secure is confidential information shared with attorneys?
Data Privacy Detective
30 - Episode 185 — Data privacy and law firms: How secure is confidential information shared with attorneys?

Data privacy is the footprint of our existence. It is our persona beyond ourselves, with traces of us scattered from birth certificates, Social Security numbers, shopping patterns, credit card histories, photographs, mugshots and health records. In a digital world, where memory is converted to 0’s and 1’s, then instantly transformed into a reproduction even in 3D, personal data is an urgent personal and collective subject. Those who wish to live anonymous lives must take extraordinary measures to succeed in that improbable quest, while those who hope for friendship or fame through the spread of their personal data must learn how to prevent theft of their identity and bank account. The first 155 episodes of Data Privacy Detective can be found on the feed of the Frost Brown Todd Podcast. You can listen on Apple Podcasts (, Spotify (, or Soundcloud (


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    30 - Episode 185 — Data privacy and law firms: How secure is confidential information shared with attorneys?
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