
Reggae Unleashed

1 - The Top 12 Reggae Male Vocal Harmonies of All TIme
Reggae Unleashed
1 - The Top 12 Reggae Male Vocal Harmonies of All TIme

Fusing a trendy platform with an abiding passion for music, veteran journalist Hartley Anderson is launching a podcast series to bolster the global reach and impact of reggae. Reggae Unleashed, a fortnightly podcast series, will venture behind the scenes to lend historical context and meaning to the genre. In exploring distinctive aspects of reggae, it seeks to add substance by tackling some grey areas in the music as well. “Reggae Unleashed is a series that will focus extensively on reggae and all things associated with reggae music,” Anderson summarized.


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  • Reggae Unleashed
    1 - The Top 12 Reggae Male Vocal Harmonies of All TIme
    Mon, 01 Nov 2021
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