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Dengan antarmuka pengguna yang modern dan mudah digunakan, aplikasi radio myTuner memberi Anda pengalaman mendengarkan terbaik di semua perangkat favorit Anda. Kapan saja, di mana saja. Cobalah, gratis!

Klik di sini untuk mengunduh myTuner Radio untuk Windows 7 atau yang lebih baru.

myTuner Radio App Features:
- Listen to the best online radio stations
- AM/FM Radios from more than 200 countries and territories
- Listen to over 50,000 radio stations
- More than 1 million Podcasts with rankings per country
- Create Playlists / Play Songs (requires Apple Music subscription & iOS 11)
- Recently played songs on the radio
- Share using Facebook, X, SMS, Email
- Add more radio stations to your favorites list
- Search by country, genre, state or city
- Listen in the background
- Listen to radio with Air-Play
- Supported by Apple Watch, Apple TV, Apple CarPlay, Android Auto and Google Home
40 Million users trust us to provide the best radio streaming experience on their devices!