
reframe with mona and farrukh

27 - re027: Let's Add Venture to Life - with Mohammad Khan Momekh
reframe with mona and farrukh
27 - re027: Let's Add Venture to Life - with Mohammad Khan Momekh

reframe is a podcast series that brings you inspiring stories from successful people adding value to society. I'm always excited to meet my wonderful guests and talk to them about their journeys and practical advice they want to share with people like you, who want to grow in life. If you get value out of this podcast, please share it with your friends and subscribe on youtube, spotify, itunes or wherever you're listening, as it will really help me in growing the community and helping others. If you want to tag me, I'm @farrukhtalks on all socials!


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    27 - re027: Let's Add Venture to Life - with Mohammad Khan Momekh
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    24 - re024: Excellence in Creative Expression - with Zeeshan Parwez
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