Learn German by Podcast de Plus Publications
60 - 19 Talking about the weather
60 - 19 Talking about the weather
For students and teachers of German as a foreign language. A new and comprehensive approach to one of Europe's major languages. From the producers of Learn French by Podcast.
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60 - 19 Talking about the weatherTue, 24 May 2011
59 - 18 'What would you like to eat this evening?...'Tue, 24 May 2011
58 - 17 'Excuse me... could you recommend a good restaurant, please?...'Tue, 24 May 2011
57 - 16 A trip to the baker'sTue, 24 May 2011
56 - 15 Buying something at the pharmacyTue, 24 May 2011
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