
Lets Talk Bipolar - by Bipolar UK

22 - 2.10 Melissa Duncan and Jihan Gabart - Melissa was diagnosed with Bipolar 1. Jihan has been her best friend and carer to Melissa, living through 9/11 and navigating Mel living with with bipolar
Lets Talk Bipolar - by Bipolar UK
22 - 2.10 Melissa Duncan and Jihan Gabart - Melissa was diagnosed with Bipolar 1. Jihan has been her best friend and carer to Melissa, living through 9/11 and navigating Mel living with with bipolar

The "Lets Talk Bipolar" podcast is hosted by Emma Belle, who lives with Bipolar and was diagnosed 11 years ago. This podcast will share conversations and lived experiences of those that live with Bipolar and also conversations with professionals in the medical and research fields and families and carers that support those living with Bipolar. Bipolar UK is the national charity dedicated to supporting individuals with the much misunderstood and devastating condition of bipolar, their families and carers. IG: bipolar_uk Twitter: bipolaruk Facebook: bipolaruk


More episodes

  • Lets Talk Bipolar - by Bipolar UK
    22 - 2.10 Melissa Duncan and Jihan Gabart - Melissa was diagnosed with Bipolar 1. Jihan has been her best friend and carer to Melissa, living through 9/11 and navigating Mel living with with bipolar
    Wed, 14 Dec 2022
  • Lets Talk Bipolar - by Bipolar UK
    21 - 2.09 Professor Allan Young - answers your questions on Bipolar, Lithium, recovery and the top 3 things to stay well and why
    Wed, 30 Nov 2022
  • Lets Talk Bipolar - by Bipolar UK
    20 - 2.08 Anastasia Mclean - Diagnosed with Bipolar II in 2015 when she was 20 years old after seeing psychiatrists since the age of 9, also lives with Narcolepsy and PTSD.
    Wed, 16 Nov 2022
  • Lets Talk Bipolar - by Bipolar UK
    19 - 2.07 Paul Allen - Supporting my adult child through diagnosis and living with Bipolar
    Wed, 02 Nov 2022
  • Lets Talk Bipolar - by Bipolar UK
    18 - 2.06 Natalie Leeke - lived as a nun for 11 years and has recently been diagnosed with Bipolar - navigating multiple medication changes to find what works best.
    Wed, 19 Oct 2022
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