
REALITY ALCHEMIST with Dr Madisen Harper

22 - MINDFULNESS AUDIO - 'I AM' and Coming Home Energy Expression
REALITY ALCHEMIST with Dr Madisen Harper
22 - MINDFULNESS AUDIO - 'I AM' and Coming Home Energy Expression

Feel stuck, unfulfilled, bored? A REALITY ALCHEMISTTM asks, 'Whose reality am I living? My family's, my teacher's, my boss's, society's?' Constantly questioning, experimenting, and embracing the role of Master Architect of Their Reality with an evolving ability to witness, but not attach their identity to, external demands. REALITY ALCHEMISTSTM wield the power of authenticity to transmute thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions into alignment with their inner truth, comprising their WHY, values, strengths, desires, and motivators, enabling them to drown out incongruent narratives influenced by expectations, norms, and limiting beliefs imposed by society and influential relationships. EXPERIENCING A TRANSFORMATIVE SHIFT FROM LIVING BY OTHERS' STANDARDS TO STANDING BOLDLY IN THEIR TRUTH This profound reconnection is: Guided by the transformative compass of CLARITY Fueled by the fire of CONFIDENCE, and Fortified by the unwavering COURAGE to stand in your truth After guiding over 270,000 people in 29 countries, Gracious Disruptor and Human Potential Expert Dr. Madisen Harper has witnessed most people are serving a life sentence for a crime they didn't commit – because their Mind is holding them hostage. It's time to stop playing small, 'society safe,' and flick fear and failure! EMBOLDENING AUTHENTICITY to fuel fulfillment and a happy-for-the-heck-of-it existence. Explore a powerful life-changing fusion of concepts + practical actions + mindfulness practices, transcending education and inspiration to amplify activation and integration – because nothing changes until YOU do. These are new-world professional and personal transformation strategies that fuel a positive ripple effect that consciously enhances lives, teams, companies, customers, communities, and beyond.


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