
State of the Bay

349 - Sonoma's Controversial Measure J / Restoring Our Atmosphere with Stanford's Rob Jackson / Elon Musk and Twitter's Transformation
State of the Bay
349 - Sonoma's Controversial Measure J / Restoring Our Atmosphere with Stanford's Rob Jackson / Elon Musk and Twitter's Transformation

CITY VISIONS has a new name and look.Introducing the new STATE OF THE BAY.Every Monday at 6 p.m., beginning March 15.We’ve always been more than just “The City.” We talk about the entire Bay Area and its connections to California, and beyond. And as our show turns 30 years old, we figured it was the perfect time to pick a name that reflects who we are and what we do.We’ll keep bringing you live and local conversations with diverse voices. We’ll talk about where we live and what matters most. About local and state politics. About Bay culture, homegrown innovations, and more.Welcome to the new STATE OF THE BAY!


Altri episodi

  • State of the Bay
    349 - Sonoma's Controversial Measure J / Restoring Our Atmosphere with Stanford's Rob Jackson / Elon Musk and Twitter's Transformation
    Tue, 08 Oct 2024
  • State of the Bay
    348 - SFUSD Struggles / California's Housing Affordability Crisis / Naturalist & Writer Obi Kaufmann
    Mon, 30 Sep 2024
  • State of the Bay
    347 - Preparing for Fire Season / SF Ballot Measure Prop D / Author Caroline Paul
    Tue, 24 Sep 2024
  • State of the Bay
    346 - Tom Steyer/Pollster Mark Baldassare on November's Election/Art of the Incarcerated
    Mon, 16 Sep 2024
  • State of the Bay
    345 - Great Highway Dramas / New Street Drug "Soap" / Photo Exhibit of Rock Legends
    Tue, 10 Sep 2024
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