
Russian Poetry for the Learners of Russian

3 - 003: Blok/Night, street, street light,drugstore
Russian Poetry for the Learners of Russian
3 - 003: Blok/Night, street, street light,drugstore

This podcast is for the learners of the Russian language, who feel passionate about Russian culture and Russian poetry. I suggest my listeners to make a journey to the world of Russian poetic legacy, and to improve the language skills along the way. Immersion in the language culture is not merely effective, but utterly fascinating as well. I encourage my audience to look at Russian language not purely as a tool of communication, but as an artistic instrument of crafting peculiar literary realities. The podcast is suitable for the beginners, as well as for the advanced learners.


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  • Russian Poetry for the Learners of Russian
    3 - 003: Blok/Night, street, street light,drugstore
    Sun, 18 Mar 2018
  • Russian Poetry for the Learners of Russian
    2 - 002: Tyutchev/Silentium!
    Sun, 04 Mar 2018
  • Russian Poetry for the Learners of Russian
    1 - 001: Mayakovsky/And could you?
    Sun, 25 Feb 2018
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