
Down in Cuba

29 - DownInCuba 29
Down in Cuba
29 - DownInCuba 29

Down in Cuba is a late in life coming out story about a man stuck in a routine marriage and an unremarkable career as a professor of Latin American Studies at a small California college. In a last ditch effort to save himself from the ennui of mid life, Martin heads to Cuba on sabbatical to write a book about Cuban icon, Jose Marti. With the confusing mores of modern Cuba on one side and his personal demons on the other, he meets a charismatic young artist, who leads him down a road of passion and sexual awakening. As the professor struggles with his newfound sexuality, his Cuban friend sees a way to escape the dusty streets of his marginal barrio thanks to his considerable charm and good looks. The story is set against the harsh reality of modern day life on the Caribbean island.


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  • Down in Cuba
    29 - DownInCuba 29
    Sat, 16 Feb 2013
  • Down in Cuba
    28 - DownInCuba 28
    Sat, 16 Feb 2013
  • Down in Cuba
    27 - DownInCuba 27
    Sat, 16 Feb 2013
  • Down in Cuba
    26 - DownInCuba 26
    Sat, 16 Feb 2013
  • Down in Cuba
    25 - DownInCuba 25
    Wed, 13 Feb 2013
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