
NEX - The Contract Negotiation 3.0 Podcast

3 - The Future of Contracting featuring guest Tim Cummins, President,  IACCM
NEX - The Contract Negotiation 3.0 Podcast
3 - The Future of Contracting featuring guest Tim Cummins, President,  IACCM

NEX - The Contract Negotiation 3.0 Podcast explores the use of technology, and specifically AI, to help corporate counsel and corporate sales leaders negotiate contracts faster and with lower risk. Our guests include leaders from legal technology, sales, and general business functions. We will discuss best practices, challenges, and opportunities of modern contracting.


More episodes

  • NEX - The Contract Negotiation 3.0 Podcast
    3 - The Future of Contracting featuring guest Tim Cummins, President,  IACCM
    Thu, 20 Feb 2020
  • NEX - The Contract Negotiation 3.0 Podcast
    1 - Contract Negotiation 3.0: Legal’s Next AI Frontier with Guest Derek Schueren - CEO, Akorda
    Fri, 13 Sep 2019
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