
Bahrain Banter

10 - The Sea of Life: Modern and Contemporary Art from The Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Banter
10 - The Sea of Life: Modern and Contemporary Art from The Kingdom of Bahrain

This podcast, hosted by the Ambassador of Bahrain to the U.S., features the voices and viewpoints of change-makers and thought-leaders discussing security, geopolitics, trade, science, arts, and culture in the region and beyond. Through his position, within Washington’s Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador Abdulla R. Al Khalifa provides a forum from which listeners are given a ringside seat to discussions providing a panoply of insights and perspectives.


More episodes

  • Bahrain Banter
    10 - The Sea of Life: Modern and Contemporary Art from The Kingdom of Bahrain
    Thu, 25 Apr 2024
  • Bahrain Banter
    9 - The Rise of Agriculture and Food Growth as a Strategic Asset
    Tue, 14 Nov 2023
  • Bahrain Banter
    8 - Exploring Space, Improving Lives
    Tue, 12 Sep 2023
  • Bahrain Banter
    7 - Bahrain Banter: Bringing Bahrain pastries to NYC
    Thu, 22 Dec 2022
  • Bahrain Banter
    6 - Bahrain Banter: Growing Cooperation in the Middle East
    Wed, 07 Sep 2022
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