
TRASH Radio WYBC Yale Radio

6 - Trash Vol 6: oH No! Yoko Tribute
TRASH Radio WYBC Yale Radio
6 - Trash Vol 6: oH No! Yoko Tribute

//The show will be a curration of discarded sounds and noises with experiments in the exploration of the ecology of the radio and sound// //Radio will be used both as the instrument of broadcast and as the instrument of composition// //Oral histories will also be broadcast along with old radio and commercial content to both simultaneously dislocate and recontextualized the experience of radio// //The goal of this show will not only consist of continual pleasure as many have dimonstrated the reward of prolong suffering before arriving of stimulants of pleasure. We will be exploring of other emotional and physical experiences that the radio can provide such as: confusion, bewilderment, discomfort, erotic, nostalgia, contempt, wisdom, dreariness, warmth, itchiness, calmness. All experiences will reconciled so that no actual trauma is experienced//


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