Best Pro Deep

Best Pro Deep

Best Pro Deep

Unfavorite Pop Up

Om Best Pro Deep

Best Pro Radio began broadcasting in August 2016 as an Albanian on-line radio. Since the beginning we have tried to create a selected audience through popular musical hits of Albanian and foreign origins, with a tendency for a more prominent profile to electronic music. Best Pro Radio aims to transform itself in a place sought for its love for music nonetheless the infancy of the radio. The relation with the ‘crowd’ is based on passion, to offer listeners the best music and in the future an entertaining program. Best Pro Radio is in a process of growth and change, aiming to provide many digital music channels, podcasts, blogs or even news that can be found not only on the site but also on its Facebook page or Instagram. We aim support up and coming artist in the electronic music genre by providing a platform for their music to be heard. Our platforms include our online radio, live events and live-stream on social media.

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