
Workout of the Week - TempoFit

125 - Workout of the Week: 127 – Legs, Lungs & Lactate Ladder Pt.4
Workout of the Week - TempoFit
125 - Workout of the Week: 127 – Legs, Lungs & Lactate Ladder Pt.4

Your weekly running workout. A dose of running inspiration, guidance, entertainment and community—sharing in the joys and challenges of running with a community of TempoFit runners from all over the world! This 15-minute weekly podcast will guide you through the what, the why and the how of each week’s running workout. It’s 15 minutes because that’s the minimum time we recommend people jog for their warm up. So listen as you run and hear about the workout you’ll be doing that week. We also recommend you do some dynamic stretches and warm up drills before diving into the workout as well—you can find ideas for those here. The fun really starts once you’ve crushed your TempoFit Workout of the Week. Jump on to Instagram, Facebook or Strava to post up photos, GPS files or aftermath from your workout and use the hashtag #tempofitwow (WOW standing for “workout of the week”) and tag us in @runtempofit and we’ll all be able to cheer you on and give you the props you deserve for getting the w


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