Kongo Bongo Gone Wrongo
5 - Episode 4: Barrel, Barrel... Who's Got the Barrel?

5 - Episode 4: Barrel, Barrel... Who's Got the Barrel?
We, unlike most video game buffs, loved the "Donkey Kong Country" cartoon. Join Goldy, Sys, and Mario as we watch and react to every episode of DKC and provide insightful critical analysis.

Weitere Folgen
5 - Episode 4: Barrel, Barrel... Who's Got the Barrel?Wed, 12 Apr 2017
4 - Episode 47: Mario of the DeepSun, 02 Apr 2017
3 - Episode 3: Booty and the BeastMon, 27 Mar 2017
2 - Episode 2: Ape Foo YoungFri, 17 Mar 2017
1 - Episode 1: Bad Hair DayFri, 03 Mar 2017
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